Bring Back the Fun and Passion by Growing Your Marriage and Business Together as a Team

End the division and distractions once and for all

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over 100 couple-run businesses helped

30+ years married and 28+ years in businessStarted, grown, and sold multiple businessesSomething’s gotta give, and you hope it won’t be your marriage…

The problem is life just feels like work anymore. Between the kids, your home, and the business, you can’t even remember the last real date the two of you enjoyed (does it count as a date if all you do is talk about work?). Something’s gotta give, and you hope it won’t be your marriage…

And yet, despite the current overwhelm and division, you know in your heart that couplepreneurship has the potential to bring freedom, adventure, and passion back into your lives. But here’s the truth: If you want your business to win and your family to thrive, your marriage MUST take priority!

Designed specifically for busy couples who work together, Club Coupleprenuer gives you all the right tools to help you put first things first.

we’re ready for a change

Your marriage should be the foundation of your business, not the friction

private online community

mastermind with like-minded couplepreneurs

Every month, you’ll meet with other couplepreneurs to talk through your successes and challenges, and get the chance to hear from leading experts in the fields of marriage, business, finances, etc.—those areas that are so important for successful couplepreneurship!
Our community gives you the solidarity and support you need on your marital and entrepreneurial journey.

the couplepreneur retreats

chase adventure together with our semi-annual retreats

Our semi-annual retreats are so magical, we can’t skip giving you a sneak peek!

Why do we do them? Because the #1 KEY to building a freedom lifestyle together is to start by fortifying your marriage—it’s the foundation of it all. And one of the best ways to do that is to spend plenty of intentional time with each other away from the business.

Join us on our next exclusive luxury retreat and give yourselves the space to reconnect and revitalize your relationship!

expert training + q&a

live monthly trainings

Each month you’ll learn about a specific facet of couplepreneurship, spending half the time learning from an expert and half the time on Q&A. Plus, with a recording of each training stored in your online portal, you’ll be able to listen and learn from them again and again!

“Absolutely life-changing for our business… we have gained the correct mindset to grow our business into the vision we’ve dreamed about.”craig & elizabeth faulks

“Since working with [Richard & Laura], our relationship has grown because we are working together as a Power Couple.”jeff & anne jordan

“My stress level nearly ended us. But since coming on board with [Richard & Laura], we’ve never been happier. We have a lot more time to spend with each other!”

justin & tawni mort

club couplepreneur inspires lasting change and

revives your marriage, business, and life.

passionAs you connect with other couplepreneurs going through the same challenges as you, you’ll find the support and solidarity your lives have been missing.

unityWhen you learn from experts each month and attend our events and retreats, you’ll rekindle the passion and adventure you had when you first got together.

adventureBy taking small but intentional steps toward repairing your relationship, you’ll soon find yourselves living in unity again and working together on your goals.

Join Wait List

find the club status that’s right for you

This program is designed for couplepreneurs who are ready to completely transform their marriage, business, and lives!

here’s what’s included:


your investment:

$6799 / year


$599 / month

join the club

your investment:

$6799 / yearor$599 / month

join the club

Not ready to completely commit yet?

join club couplepreneur lite

For busy, self-motivated couples who aren’t ready to go all-in but still want a nudge in the right direction!

here’s what’s included:


join the club

your investment:

$899 / yearor$79 / month

your investment:

$899 / year


$79 / month

join the club

are you ready to

take a chance on yourselves?

We know you’re burnt-out, disconnected, and wondering if joining Club Couplepreneur can truly repair your business, lives, and (especially) marriage.

We know, because we’ve been there. We’ve lived the arguments; we’ve felt the overwhelm; we’ve wondered why we even started the business in the first place. And, by the grace of God and our own re-dedication to building a better life, we outgrew that version of ourselves.

It’s time for you to do the same. This chapter of life, characterized by stress and disconnection—you don’t belong there, and you can’t leave it up to chance; if you let another year (or even a month) go by without actively working on your marriage, how much longer will it last?

Join Club Coupleprenuer to start giving yourselves a steady stream of expert advice, practical tips, and relationship insight, and discover what happens when you refocus on what matters most.

Join Wait List

meet your mentors

richard & laura behney

Married for 30 years and in business together for 28, Richard & Laura have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly side of couplepreneurship. They know firsthand how hard it can be to raise a family and grow a business at the same time, and how important (yet challenging) it is to prioritize your relationship through it all.

Within 3 years of working together, the two “hated each other,” and before long they lost the business and nearly lost their marriage. Then they decided to get intentional about building the life they actually wanted, and through counseling and Jesus Christ, they found the passion, unity, and adventure they had been looking for.

Since that initial rough patch, Richard & Laura have started and grown multiple seven-figure businesses, launched two podcasts, and helped over a hundred couple-run businesses over the last four years. Their relationship is better than ever, and they’re ready to help you do the same!

learn more


The Couplepreneur Life Guide to a Fun & Sexy Date Night

One of the things you’ll hear us talk about often is the importance of having a regular date night. But when you’re in the throes of working together, “date night” can all-too-often start to look like another business meeting (if it happens at all).

This free guide helps you shake things up a bit, giving you the why—and how—to have a fun and sexy date night that will bring the spark back to your marriage and re-energize the rest of your lives, too!

send me the guide!

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